A major change in the way coins were produced occurred during the 16th century, when heavy machinery was first used to mint coins. Many of these new mints were located in water-driven mills, thus these coins were referred to as milled coins. This technique was a quantum leap over hammering. Not only were milled coins attractive and much more uniform, but continuous small parallel cuts—known as a milled or reeded edge, as on the United States quarter—made it more difficult to shave off slivers of precious metal.
Spanish conquerors discovered huge amounts of gold and silver in the Americas. Turning these metals into coins made it easier to divide and transport them, and the Spaniards established the first mint in the New World in Mexico City in 1535. Spain soon built minting facilities throughout its Spanish-American empire.
The areas of the New World colonized by Britain did not yield nearly the quantities of gold and silver as the Spanish territories, and English-speaking America did not establish its own mints until much later. Although the colonists still used English pence and pounds, they also exchanged French, Dutch, and German money, as well as coins struck in Spanish America.
The United States established its first official mint in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, in 1792. Regular coinage began the following year, based on a new unit of currency, the dollar. The word dollar was derived from the German thaler, or taler, a large silver coin first issued in Central Europe in the 16th century, and later adapted to daler. The dollar was the world’s first unit of currency divided into decimal subunits, which simplified the use of money. By the end of the 20th century, all developed countries had switched to a decimal system within their units of currency. In addition to the regular denominations in circulation today (cent, 5 cents, 10 cents, 25 cents, 50 cents, and dollar), the U.S. mint has produced half-cent, 2-cent, 3-cent, and 20-cent pieces as well as gold coins ranging from $1 to $20. Canada issued its first coins in 1858, borrowing the "dollar" name for its unit of currency from the United States.